第20節【HOME】VS 東京八王子ビートレインズ


2023年2月24日(金) 19:00TipOff
2023年2月25日(土) 14:00TipOff

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湘南ユナイテッドB3 東京八王子ビートレインズ

#23 アンドレ・マレー選手インタビュー

Q. バスケット選手を目指したきっかけは?日本に来たきっかけは?
What made you decide to become a basketball player?What brought you to Japan?

A.It was a childhood dream of mine to play professionally.I grew up watching the sport.

Q. テンションがあがる食べ物は?
What are some foods that make you excited?

A. Sushi, I enjoyed it. 寿司

Q. ファンへのメッセージ Could you give a message to your fans?
A. Please continue to support the team as we fight for a better position for making the playoffs.
I hope to see you all for the remainder of the season.


#15 青木ブレイク選手インタビュー

Q バスケットを始めた、and 選手を目指したきっかけは?
Why did you start playing basketball and what made you want to become a player?

A ニューヨークではバスケが盛んなので小学校でバスケを始めました。バスケをやっているうちに大学でバスケをする目標ができました。そして大学の次はプロで日本でやるという目標ができました。大学が終わったと同時に夢を叶えるためにエージェントと契約し栃木ブレックスに入団しました。

I started playing basketball in elemtary school. In New York City it is the most popular sport. All my friends played it and I quickly learned and became to love it . Then once I started playing organized, I realized I wanted to play college basketball. So I started training by myself as well as team practice to make that dream come true.

Once I played in college I realized I had the skill and real opportunity playing in Japan. Once I graduated I signed a agent and he worked out a deal to send me to japan during the first season of the B league and Join the tochigi brex.

Q 試合で心がけていることは?
What I keep in mind during matches?

A 試合中は集中します。いつも元気を出すことを前提にしています。元気を出してプレイすることで自分のプレイの質もあがります。いつも今を大切にし、いつか歳をとって、バスケができなくなった時に後悔しない様にと心がけています。

During matches I try to focus. I always want to keep my mind to play with energy. The more energy and happiness I play with the better I am. It’s always to cherish the moment I remember that one day I won’t be able to play basketball anymore because of age or body conditions. It pushes me to be better and enjoy it.

Q 試合前に必ずやるルーティーンがあったら教えてください
Please let me know if there is a routine you always do before a match.

A: 試合の前の日は軽くジムで筋トレをします。その後は相手のチームの映像を見ます。相手のチームの特徴を見ます。

I have many routines . But my routine starts a lot earlier before my match. The night before I like to go to the gym and do a short full body lift session. Followed by watching video of the opposing team and the most likely players I will be matched up with; which is usually foreigners. Most of the foreigners are very skilled and high level scorers. So I try to focus on their strengths and how to stop it. Some of these players are very good but I want them to be uncomfortable when playing against me.
I will live with the results after. Before leaving my house I have a hot bath followed with a 20 min stretch routine in my living room. While I stretch I watch my favorite players highlight video on YouTube (Carmelo Anthony).
It pumps me up a bit. Once I arrive to the gym I warm up on the court starting with my handling drills.
Once I complete it I shoot close to the rim and slowly work my way out to the perimeter.
I like to communicate with my teammates to keep me loosened up and relaxed.
But then right before the game I like to listen to my pre-game music playlist and refocus me to get ready for a long battle on the court!

Q ファンへのメッセージ
Message to fans

A: こんにちは僕の名前は青木ブレイクです。背番号15番のセンターです。ブルックリン、ニューヨーク出身です。親は京都出身です。今年で7シーズン目です。元気にプレイすることが大好きでチームが勝つことが第一です。


Hello! My name is Blake Aoki. I wear number 15. I play PF/C . I am from Brooklyn New York but my family is from kyoto. This is my seventh season. I like to play with physicality and energy. Only thing I care about is the team winning it’s next game !

Thank you for the support all season long ! We had so many great wins with your support. We took down some of the top teams this year. It was amazing. Please continue to support us. Myself, my teammates, team staff, management and volunteers are doing our best everyday. We will continue to work hard to make the people of Shonan proud !
Thank you !